Hair Transformation – From Blonde to Blue

So, my hair has been on quite the journey for a good chunk of my life.

I started dyeing it around grade 4 – it started as a way to get rid of lice, and just kept going from there I guess. I’ve had so many different colours – auburn, red, brown, a very dark brown, blonde, ombré, purple, blue, pink, and I think that’s it.

I decided to finally give my hair a break and ended my hair journey with ombré in order to let it grow out in a style that looked intentional and actually nice. And it worked! Within a year or two, it has become completely natural and it’s wonderful! I actually really like my natural colour and it feels a lot healthier too.

However, since I no longer dye my hair frequently, I’ve been feeling the urge to change it so badly.

Which is why I chopped it not long ago, and posted about my inspiration for the chop. But now that it’s cut, I still feel the need to do something to it. So I did.

I dyed it a new colour! But – instead of using harsh chemicals and permanent dye, I used Manic Panic, which is semi-permanent and vegan! And I’ve used them in the past (purple and pink), so I was familiar with the product.


What I did…

I decided to use a tiny bit of Hot Hot Pink which I had laying around, and mixed it with Shocking Blue. I then diluted the colour with a TON of conditioner. This not only allowed to colour to be more muted, it also gave my hair a nice, deep conditioning.

Once the hair dyeing process was complete and my hair was dry and whatnot, I realized that my hair colour had become this dark grey, almost silver. It makes a lot of sense that my hair turned grey, since the dye was covering my natural dark blonde, and blue/purple is used to cancel out any brassiness, so it essentially did that to my natural hair. COOL. I dug it a lot, but I wanted a tad bit more blue in my hair.

Since I did this late at night, I redid the process the next morning. This time, I skipped the pink, and just diluted the blue. I also added some of the dye straight out of the tub onto my hair to add some more vibrancy in the colour.

Below you can also see the result of mixing the blue and pink dyes which gave me dark grey hair.


I did the dye-job myself and I’m sure I missed some spots, but that’s okay.

I sectioned off my hair into buns to make the application process a lot easier. I also wore gloves this time which was a total life saver. I then mixed the blue dye with conditioner and applied that from root to tip, all over my head. I later went on to add some of the blue near my roots and a bit throughout the rest of my hair to give it some dimension. I let the dye sit for about a half hour and rinsed it out in the shower and let it air dry. My scalp was a little blue after rinsing it out, so I re-washed it with a tiny bit of shampoo which got rid of that! It also helped even out the blue a little bit too.

And that’s it!! Below you can see how the colour looked once diluted, as well as the final product!

Let me know in the comments below if you like it, or what colour you’d like to dye your hair!


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